Monday, June 29, 2009

Here I Go Again

This is new. Oh no, it's not. I've been here before.

I've been to Multiply, to LJ, to Tumblr, to Twitter, to Facebook. But I guess nothing beats Blogger when its blogging we're talking about.

Blogging at its purest form. It's been a while since I last blogged--you know, blog and just blog.
Blog-- the original concept of it.

Thanks to a friend who just told me he made an anonymous blog. I found his profile, but haven't read anything from his blog (he asked me not to and I'm a good person who has respect for "privacy" HA :P). Because of him, I'm starting this anonymous blog too, though I'm not quite sure if it'll remain that way til the end. Haha we'll see.

Thank you too, Jason Mraz and To Do:, for keeping Blogger interesting.

So here's to blogging again. But this time, I guess I'll be blogging sensible stuff. I guess I got over blogging about each day's senseless details. Poetry might find its place in here ;)

Hmm, is this me growing up?
Hope so.

Another blogger found home again :)

Sounds like I'm talking to myself. Cheers to anonimity! :P

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